Shingles is a painful skin disease that becomes more common the older you get.  Once you reach the required age, you must get your shingles jab before your 80th birthday otherwise you are no longer eligible. This is because the jab is less effective after the age of 80. The vaccination is expected to protect you for at least five years, possibly longer, and you can have it at any time of the year.

From 1 September 2023. 

Your age 

Do you have a very weakened immune system? 

When will I have the shingles vaccine? 

50 and over  


On or after your 50th birthday. Your GP surgery should get in touch with you to make an appointment.  


65 or 70 



On or after your 65th or 70th birthday.  Your GP surgery should get in touch with you to make an appointment. 


70 (before 1 September 2023)  to 79 (if you have not had a shingles vaccine) 


You are eligible. Book an appointment with your GP surgery. 

60 to 64  


You will be contacted when you turn 65.  


66 to 69  


If you turned 65 before 1 September 2023 you will be contacted when you turn 70.  

If you turned 65 after 1 September 2023 you are still eligible. Contact your GP surgery for an appointment.  


More information

Request an Appointment for Shingle Vaccination